Posted by BoyersMart on 11th Sep 2020
Its Duck Season!
North Carolina Duck Season is upon us! Make sure that you have the right Choke Tube for your hunting this year.
The taking of sea ducks (scoter, eider and long-tailed ducks), except during the regular duck season shall be limited to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and to those coastal waters south of U.S. 64 that are separated by a distance of at least 800 yards of open water from any shore, island or marsh. Special sea duck bag limits and seasons apply in these areas.
Because sea ducks are limited to 60 days of hunting exposure in any area, there will be certain dates and locations where sea ducks may or may not be taken. Please see the following:
General Duck Season Open; Special Sea Duck Season Closed
Oct. 7-Oct 10 & Nov. 7-Nov. 21, 2020 - Sea ducks cannot be taken in
the special sea duck area, but can be taken everywhere else. The
general bag limit of six ducks with no more than four scoters, four
long-tailed ducks and four eiders applies. Although sea ducks may not be
taken in the special sea duck area during this time, other ducks may be
taken in this area.
General Duck Season Closed; Special Sea Duck Season Open
Nov. 30-Dec. 18, 2020 - Sea ducks can be taken only in the special sea
duck area, and cannot be taken in other locations. The special sea duck
limit applies and consists of five sea ducks with no more than four scoters, four long-tailed ducks and four eiders.
General Duck Season Open; Special Sea Duck Season Open
Nov. 23-Nov. 28, 2020 & Dec 19, 2020-Jan 30, 2021 - Sea ducks can
be taken anywhere. Hunters should remember that the special sea duck
limit applies when hunting in the special sea duck area and the general
bag limit applies when hunting in all other areas. When both seasons
overlap, the special sea duck bag limit may be in addition to the limits
applying to other ducks.
- Possession limits are three times the daily bag unless otherwise specified
- Shooting hours are ½ hour before sunrise until sunset unless otherwise specified